Miraculous Medals on the Move
Medals on the Move
The past two months have witnessed global pandemic challenges we’re still trying to understand and manage. Even though we’ve been in lockdown—like the rest of the world—we’ve looked for ways to continue bringing Mary, her Miraculous Medal, and hope to her suffering children.
Of course, the first thing we at the Shrine started doing was praying and offering Masses for the sick and dying, the people who help and care for them, everyone affected by the coronavirus, and everyone who sends their intentions to us. [Join us for Monday Mass and Novena livestreams at 9:00 a.m., noon or 7:00 p.m. (ET).]
But we wanted to do more. Living in the Diocese of Camden, New Jersey, Sheila O’Hagan McGirl was aware that, due to the COVID-19 restrictions, priests weren’t able to go to hospitals and visit the sick, bless them, or bring Holy Communion and a comforting word of hope. So she reached out to a family friend, Fr. Sanjai Devis, VC, the Director of Hospital Chaplaincy and Stephen Ministry of the Camden Diocese, and asked him if he’d like to distribute Miraculous Medals to the hospitals for the sick and frontline workers.

Little did she know that Fr. Sanjai faced the same dilemma. “We typically minister to Catholics in hospitals,” he states. “South Jersey has a huge Catholic presence.” Initially, through the VITALity Catholic Healthcare Ministry, he and his team connected with people by phone to pray with them. But they, too, wanted to do more. So they created prayer bags for hospital patients and staff. Each bag contains a rosary and holy cards with healing prayers, spiritual communion prayers, and instructions on praying the rosary.
Fr. Sanjai was more than happy to add Miraculous Medals and our “Gift of Heaven” pamphlets to the bags. “It’s amazing to see the role of sacramental in our lives,” he says, and then explains, “Sacramentals are tangible ways of connecting with and experiencing God. I have seen their effects; they help people and remind them of God’s faithfulness.”
It’s always been our mission to bring our Blessed Mother to the world, and it’s always been Mary’s mission to help people connect with and experience God. Now, thanks to Fr. Sanjai and his team, bags of hope have been distributed to the 18 hospitals and healthcare facilities throughout the Camden Diocese. Along with the doctors, nurses, and other frontline workers, our Blessed Mother and her Miraculous Medals are making the rounds, bringing comfort and healing to the sick and those who serve them.
Blessing of the Marian Shrine
Hope During the Pandemic
Light a Vigil Candle
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