Salvation and Vocation for Fr. Steven Lacey
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Salvation and Vocation

Salvation and Vocation


Fr. Stephen P. DeLacy, a Philadelphia Archdiocesan priest, knows firsthand about Our Lady’s blessings bestowed through the Miraculous Medal Novena. Fr. DeLacy attributes Mary’s intervention through the prayer to not only helping his mother endure but also fulfilling his priestly vocation.

“I am so enthusiastic to give credit to the Blessed Mother for my vocation,” says Fr. DeLacy. “There are times when my vocation was jeopardized, where she entered miraculously and turned things around for me.”


Fr. DeLacy has served the Archdiocese of Philadelphia for decades and currently serves as the vicar of faith formation with youth and young adults. Through his love for the Church, Fr. DeLacy is known for his enthusiasm for his faith, and ardent devotion to the Blessed Mother.

After receiving a degree from West Chester University and working for a year, Fr. DeLacy entered St. Charles Seminary in Pennsylvania. Though he experienced many anxieties, he felt “God’s gift of peace” and knew he had found his calling.

“Deep down, that interior peace was God’s way of confirming that this was the right step,” Fr. DeLacy remembers. “As I’m following His Will, He is going to take care of me.”


After his father passed away, he decided to pursue a priestly vocation. However, responsibilities quickly intensified, including the financial and emotional well-being of his widowed mother. Nevertheless, he entrusted these struggles to the care of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal.

“When my father passed away, I prayed the Miraculous Medal Novena at the (Vincentian) Mary Immaculate Seminary,” he recalls. “I was offering it up for the well-being and care of my mother—for her emotional support and financial stability. At that point, she was struggling from losing my dad and my entering the seminary.”

Unfortunately, Fr. DeLacy’s mother soon developed a heart condition and incurred huge medical expenses resulting in increased health insurance costs. While working on her budget, Fr. DeLacy discovered that his mother’s savings account would be depleted within six months.


Suddenly, Fr. DeLacy faced a hard reality. “If this doesn’t work out in three months, I must leave the seminary and work to make ensure my mom’s well-being.”

To his surprise (and within that three-month window), Fr. DeLacy’s mother received a mysterious letter regarding her husband’s death benefits.

“Soon, I discovered that my mom was guaranteed affordable health insurance, and we erred in subscribing to another health insurance. The happy result was that my mom was firmly established with health insurance until she turned 65,” he shares. “So, literally, overnight, she went from being on the verge of total bankruptcy to financial stability.”

While speaking to an insurance representative, he learned that a computer glitch caused a mistake to send similar statements to others.

“When they told me, I knew exactly what happened,” Fr. DeLacy believes. “Somehow the Blessed Mother got in there, hit the right button, and made the statement go out. This really turned my mom’s situation around in a tremendous way.”


Knowing that his mother would be secure, Fr. DeLacy continued his priestly studies at St. Charles Seminary.

Fr. DeLacy is grateful for the blessings he and his mother have received from praying the Miraculous Medal Novena. This powerful prayer led him through his hardships and allowed him to place his trust in Mary’s care and protection.

“This was really an act of God’s providential care that,” admits Fr. DeLacy. “As concerned as I was for my mom and my vocation, God was infinitely more concerned for us. From personally engaging with the Miraculous Medal Novena, I trust in God’s providence in a more intentional way. When we do, there is a freedom from fear and anxiety.”