Marian Series: Motherhood of Mary

"Each of our days is marked with the protection of Mary, who is exceedingly anxious to be our Mother, when we desire to be her children."
St. Vincent de Paul
Our Blessed Mother plays a unique role in Church history, and for centuries, devotees have looked to her for motherly guidance. Many rely on her graces and intercession as they make their journey toward Christ, her Son. Learn more about Mary, our Blessed Mother, by joining us every Friday in May, as we delve into the life and motherhood of Mary as presented by sisters of the Daughters of Charity.
Marian Series: Motherhood of Mary
Fridays in May: May 7, May 14, May 21, and May 28, 7:30-8:30 p.m. via Zoom
Presenters and Presentations:
May 7: Expectant Mother
Mary pondered God’s presence throughout her life. Such faith and other-centeredness gave her the courage to say “yes” and to respond to her cousin Elizabeth during her time of pregnancy.
Presenter: Sister Jean Rhoads, DC, was born in Baltimore, MD, the fourth of nine children. She became a member of the Daughters of Charity in 1975, and received a bachelor’s degree in Education and Nursing and a master’s degree in Health Services Administration. Her work and ministry include: teaching in Catholic Elementary Schools; nursing in Med/Surg and Emergency Room; directing a free health clinic for persons without insurance; serving as Mission Leader in several Catholic hospitals; and participating on several Provincial Councils, (i.e., leadership teams) of the Daughters of Charity. In 2017, she became one of two Vocations Directors of the Daughters of Charity, and is currently stationed in Germantown, PA.
May 14: Spiritual Mother
How blessed Jesus was to have such an awesome mother to nurture him physically and spiritually. What an impact Mary had on Jesus, his followers and all she met. Mama Mary is our spiritual mother. Join us to see how Mary touched the life of her dear Son and beyond.
Presenter: Sister Regina Hlavac, DC,is originally from Baltimore, MD, and now resides in San Antonio, TX. She has been a Daughter of Charity for 47 years and has served her community as teacher, principal, development director, and campus minister. She is currently the Vocation Director in the province of St. Louise. She enjoys sports, music, playing the guitar, and gardening. She is very passionate about God’s gift of creation and promoting and sustaining Mother Earth, our common home.
May 21: Sorrowful Mother
The celebration of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit ascended upon Mary and the apostles, was not Mary’s first encounter with the Holy Spirit. At the Annunciation, the Holy Spirit came upon her. This presentation explores how Mary trusted the Holy Spirit as she journeyed through the sorrows, disappointments, and crosses of her life, which can be an example for all.
Presenter: Sister Theresa Sullivan, DC, was born in Evanston IL, the eighth of twelve children. She earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing at Loyola University, a Master’s of Management Degree at Northwestern University, and a Certificate in Spiritual Direction from the Spirituality and Work Center. Sr. Theresa is Director of Daybreak, a project of Depaul USA. In her 40 years as a Daughter, she has served in many ministries including: Vocation Director for the Daughters of Charity; Executive Director of St. Joseph Services, an outreach program in Chicago’s inner city; Director of Community Health and Mission Integration at Providence Hospital in Southfield, MI; and 11 years nursing at Providence Hospital and Allen Memorial in Mobile, AL.
May 28: Adoptive Mother
Then Jesus said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother!” (John 19:27) With these words spoken by Jesus on the cross, He shares His mother with us. Mary, the mother of God, becomes our mother, ready at any moment to intercede for us and shower us with grace.
Presenter: Sister Kara Davis, DC, is a Daughter of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul in the Province of St. Louise (based out of St. Louis, MO). She grew up in a military family living across the United States and in Japan. Sr. Kara earned both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Science in Communication Disorders and Sciences from Eastern Illinois University (Charleston, IL), and was an active member of the Newman Catholic Center on campus. She studied theology through the Catholic Scholars Program and led retreats, pilgrimages, and Bible studies with her peers throughout her time at EIU. It was during this time of spiritual formation and service to others that she discerned becoming a Sister and explored religious life. Sr. Kara was incorporated into the community in 2016 and currently serves in Chicago as a Speech-Language Pathologist and Disabilities Coordinator at Marillac St. Vincent Family Services, working closely with children with special needs within the Early Childhood Programs, and assisting families in accessing the resources necessary to support the continued growth and development of their children.