The Assumption, Practically Speaking
The Assumption, Practically Speaking
On November 1, 1950, Pope Pius XII defined as dogma something that the Church has believed since its beginnings: that after her earthly life, Mary was assumed into Heaven, the Assumption.
But what does that mean to us? If we look closely, we can find the relevance it has in our daily lives.
First, if Mary was assumed into Heaven—body and soul—we know that we will experience Heaven through our body (as well as our soul). As Heaven is filled with beauty, we will, indeed, see, hear, and physically experience our glorious surroundings. So, when we encounter the beauty of earth, we can use that to promote conversation with God—and to nurture thoughts that help us contemplate the wonder of His heavenly creation. Sparked with the infinite, even our humdrum activities of daily life can be imbued with glory.
Second, Our Lady’s Assumption is connected directly to her Immaculate Conception, which means she was born without sin and she lived without sin. However, we also know that Mary was fully human, not divine. She had a body like ours, had feelings, and suffered in ways we can’t even begin to understand. Yet, she didn’t commit one sin, not even venial sin. She had purity of heart, mind, and soul. But she still had to combat evil, and she won the battle. Every time.
With Mary’s help, we can win our battles, too. We can guard our senses and our thoughts and be more careful about what we watch or listen to. As the adage goes: “We can’t unsee something we’ve seen, or unhear something we’ve heard.” With her, we can become like her: strong, courageous, pure, and in love with God.
And that will bring a little bit of Heaven to earth—and earth to Heaven. Even in trials. Even in desolation. Mary will dispel the darkness, and God’s beauty will shine through.
“O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!”
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