A Message from the Rector

As members of Mary’s Miraculous Medal Family, I am pleased to share some exciting news: Pope Francis, has elevated our Miraculous Medal Shrine to Basilica status. The idea of pursuing basilica status began several years ago as we discussed the historical significance of the Shrine in Philadelphia, the importance of our relationship to St. Catherine Labouré and the role the Shrine has played in the liturgical and pastoral actions within the Philadelphia Archdiocese. The time seemed right to pursue basilica status.

The 18-month process included compiling a 157-page document consisting of more than 100 detailed questions from the Vatican. Upon completion, the application was presented to Archbishop Nelson Pérez, Archbishop of Philadelphia, who approved it. Joyfully, we got papal confirmation of our elevated status of The Basilica Shrine of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal on January 3, 2023.
While the Shrine’s status has changed, its mission remains the same. Our Perpetual Novena will continue on Mondays, just as it has since Fr. Joseph Skelly, CM, introduced it in 1930. We will still celebrate our special Marian masses, and celebrations of St. Catherine Labouré.
Our new status affords us certain privileges and responsibilities. We will add to our liturgical calendar certain feasts, principally the celebration of the feast of the Chair of St. Peter; the solemnity of the Holy Apostles, Peter, and Paul; and the anniversary of the pope’s election into pastoral ministry. Additionally, since the designation denotes a special bond of communion with the residing pope, the Basilica Shrine can remove all temporal consequences of sin to individuals, which remain even after the person’s sin has been forgiven (plenary indulgence).
We are thrilled that Pope Francis has bestowed this great honor upon us. We are grateful for our faithful devotees, who are an integral part of this monumental growth for the Shrine.