Safe Environment Policy

The Vincentians of the Eastern Province (the Congregation of the Mission) is called by God to follow Jesus Christ, evangelizing the poor in the spirit and example of St. Vincent de Paul. The works of the Province are evangelization of the poor, including service to the poor, and assistance in the ministerial and personal formation of clergy and laity. Each Member of the Province commits himself to living the evangelical counsels as expressed in the vows of the Congregation.

Sexual misconduct by a Member of the Province, and especially sexual abuse of a minor, is a most serious offense against God and a violation not only of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Church, but also of the very mission of the Province and its spirit, which every Vincentian vows to live. Such transgressions are a source of great pain for the victim, the abuser, their families, the Church, the Province, and the larger community.

The Province denounces all forms of sexual misconduct by its Members and, in particular, the sexual abuse of a minor. Upon receipt of an allegation of abuse by a member of the Congregation, he will be immediately removed from ministry pending investigation, as prescribed by our Provincial policy. The Province takes seriously its obligation to respond immediately in a compassionate, responsible, and just manner to all allegations of sexual abuse of a minor by its Members and to provide an environment that supports, heals, and safeguards minors.

The Province encourages anyone who has been a victim of sexual misconduct to make a report to the appropriate law enforcement agencies and has a policy to report all allegations of which we become aware. Anyone with information about abuse of a minor by a Member of the Province is strongly encouraged to contact the Eastern Province’s Supervisor for Safe Environment.

Office of Safe Environment
500 E. Chelten Ave.
Philadelphia, PA  19144
Phone:  215-713-2422

The Eastern Province is accredited by Praesidium, Inc., the national leader in abuse risk management. This accreditation means that the Eastern Province has met or exceeded Praesidium’s Safety Standards. Praesidium Accreditation confirms that the Eastern Province adheres to the highest organizational standards in abuse prevention.