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Rays Old and New

Our Blessed Mother is not only the Theotokos (God-Bearer), she is also our mother. Her life was spent listening to God and others (see “The Many Faces of Mary” on page 14), and now in heaven, she continues to listen. She hears each of our pleas and eagerly intercedes for us, because she wants to do everything she can to help us join her. That doesn’t mean we always get what we ask for. Sometimes God has something better in mind for us. But always, when we pray to our Blessed Mother, our prayers are answered through her.

Throughout the years, we have shared some of the amazing graces people have received through Mary’s hands. In this issue, we’re sharing some graces that date back to another difficult period in our country: the post-economic crisis of 1929. Mary was with us then—she’s with us now—and she’ll never leave our side.

“A young man, a Mormon, was not expected to pull through an attack of pneumonia. I gave him one of the Medals which you sent me and he recovered. When he was leaving the hospital, he asked me if he might keep the Medal. I gave it to him and a short while ago I heard from him, saying that he had had another attack of pneumonia and that he felt sure the little Medal of Our Lady had helped him once more.” March 1930

“A few weeks ago I wrote asking you to please make a Novena that my husband might get a steady job. He received his appointment a short time afterwards, the first appointment of its kind in years. I realize we have been highly favored through the loving care of Our Mother, and so I am enclosing a small donation to help along the work in her honor.” March 1930

“Twelve years ago, my daughter, at that time eight years old, developed tuberculosis of the bone of her left arm. She entered a hospital where she underwent two operations in which the bone was scraped, but these proved of no avail. After six months, she was pronounced incurable by a specialist and sent home. After this, her arm was drained for two more years. Finally, one of the Sisters at the hospital told me that if our daughter wished to be cured we must have her arm amputated. I refused to hear of this, and Sister suggested that we start a Novena to the Blessed Virgin Mary. We began at once, and in two weeks’ time my daughter’s arm was perfectly healed. It has never been opened or bothered her since. Now, after eight years, she can use her arm as well as anyone. The bone has developed and her left arm is now as big as her right. I promised that if she were cured through the Blessed Virgin Mary, I would have the cure published in order to spread devotion to our good Mother.” April 1933

“The enclosed money covers the cost of new members. I am doing this work out of gratitude to Our Lady for a favor which she obtained for me some time ago. I had suffered for twenty-one years with open sores on my legs. I had several doctors but none of them could help me. One day, I heard of the Miraculous Medal and sent to you for one. I wore the Medal but a short time when my legs entirely healed and have never bothered me since.” March 1931

“On a day in February, I went to see a sick woman, the mother of ten small children, who did not seem to have much more time to live. Her family, gathered around her bed, were expecting her to pass away any minute. My heart went out to her, and I noticed she did not have on a badge or a medal. I thought of the Promoter’s Medal I was wearing, and remembering that this day was the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, I pinned the Medal on the woman’s night dress and told her about it. She kissed it tenderly, and at once the family began to pray. Less than a month from that time the woman was up and around. Although not completely cured as I write this note, she tells all that she owes her life to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal.” March 1931

“I had an operation and lost so much blood that a transfusion was necessary. Four weeks after the operation diabetes set in and I was very sick and weak. One day my husband’s aunt came to see me and she had a Miraculous Medal with her. She told me to wear it, and to pray. The next week I was able to leave the hospital, thanks to Mary Immaculate.” April 1933

And more recent graces received:

“Thank you Lord Jesus and Mother Mary and all our brothers and sisters who prayed when my sister was between life and death due to septicemia. She has fully recovered now and is back to work. We will never get tired thanking you for all the many blessings you continuously bestow on us. Thank you once again. We love you Lord Jesus, we love you, Mama Mary.”

“On almost every car journey, I pray a decade of the rosary (after one decade I’ve usually reached a series of very busy roads that require my full and undivided attention). Just a few days ago, I was driving along when a driver in a large truck came right at me, at 75 mph, because he’d realized he was about to miss his turn off the road. I must have been invisible to him because he quite literally forced me off the road and on to the grassy bank. I was within a nanosecond of being killed instantly. I wear my Miraculous Medal most of the time and when not, have my car keys on a Miraculous Medal key chain. Our most wonderful Lady saved me. There’s no other way I could possibly have survived without her intervention. (Mercifully, there wasn’t so much as a scratch on the car either, much to my husband’s delight!). Praised be Mary!”

“I have prayed for a child since the day I married my husband. We now have a one-year-old child, after not being able to have a child and being told we never would. He was born early and we were told he’d be sick. However, he was born healthy and has reached all his milestones, despite being 6 weeks early.”

“I needed a job and was calling different companies for work, but none offered me a job. I prayed to Mary, and the next morning a company offered me work! Thank you, Mary!”